Computer Networking

Having attained knowledge in computer networking up to the CCNA level, I am now studying to get CCNP certified.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is hot right now so I decided to take a look into AWS by taking a course on


Cybersecurity is a super important topic nowadays as it is needed to ensure companies are safe from black hat hackers. 


The following GNS3 lab was built to configure anything from VLANS to OSPF and BGP routing. I set up a simple network and a group of routers to simulate the internet meanwhile being able to connect with my physical laptop to one of the workstations using a VPN tunnel.

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AWS S3 Bucket: Static Website Host

I created this website by editing a free html template I downloaded online. I then used AWS S3, Route 53, and CloudFront to store the website and have anyone access it through https.

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Network Automation Using Python

For this lab I used Eve-NG to set up some routers and switches and configure them using a network automation tool called Netmiko on Python. (Still a work in progress)

learn more for Cybersecurity Learning

I must admit that cybersecurity is very interesting and this website is good for anyone who wants a better understanding of it. A lot of the knowledge from networking and using Linux can be applied here.

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PC Build Summer 2020

This was the first PC I have built and I have to say it is a powerful machine! CPU: Ryzen 9 3900X, RAM: 64GB (32GB initially), Storage: 2 x 1 TB M.2 SSDs, GPU: Radeon RX5500

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Setting Up VMs in ESXi

This lab is an ESXi VM on top of VMWare Workstation. In ESXi I installed Windows Server 2019 and CentOS for practicing AD and other administrator roles. I had no idea you could create an ESXi VM.

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Learning Java for Fun

Physical exercise is good for the muscles in the body. Creating programs and learning to solve problems is exercise for the brain.

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Experimenting with Linux

That's me playing with different type 2 hypervisor: VMWare Workstation, WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) built on Hyper-V and VirtualBox.

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